How to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes

How to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes

Whether you are an influencer, a business, or even an everyday joe, if you have an Instagram account you want to increase your follower count. No matter if you are new to Instagram or grinding at it for a long time, having a large follower count means something to us all and that is why we will teach you how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes.

The best part of it all is we will not tell you about any shortcuts or wrong ways to do it. But we will teach you the right ways to achieve your goal of growing your Instagram account in no time.

Yes, it can be done.

Now you may be wondering can it really be done? Can we really get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes? Well, we are here to tell you, yes it can absolutely be done. The answer to the question of how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes lies in following these techniques that we are about to teach you.

How to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes, the right way.

When most people talk about quick ways to get Instagram followers, they usually use illicit means. While we will tell you what those means are and why you shouldn’t do them. We will first tell you all the right ways to increase your follower count on Instagram and here they are.

Choose the right profile picture

Your profile is the first thing people notice about you when they look at your Instagram page. Having an aesthetic or a fun picture can create a really nice first impression and who knows maybe the profile picture in itself is convincing enough that people will click the follow button.

Be creative with your bio

Instagram bios are not very long, but you can say a lot with only a few words. It can be a really good quote or a fun anecdote about yourself. With an interesting, informative, and entertaining bio, you create a really good impression about yourself and the follow button is not too far from the bio.

Always post quality content

We cannot insist enough on the importance of quality content. Posting random mediocre stuff won’t get you too far in the Instagram game, because thousands of others are doing the same thing. Making quality content takes time and effort but in the long run, it ensures your chances of success.

Always be consistent

With so much content to consume on social media, people are quick to move on, unless you provide them with consistent content. By posting quality content consistently you spread your content around and more people get to see it, thus increasing your chances of securing more followers.

Be your own person

If you are one of the many thousands of people all around the world posting the same kind of content then you already know the answer to how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. You need to be your own person with your own original content that is unique to you to captivate a large audience.

Keep up with the trends

Posting your own content doesn’t mean you don’t focus on the trends at all. You must keep up to date with the latest trends on Instagram and post stuff related to them. However, you need to add your own touch, your own twist on these trends to differentiate you from all others.

Up your Hashtag Game

Using the right hashtags can make a huge when it comes to getting more followers. Typing up a lot of random hashtags can seem like tedious work, but trust us when we say this, hashtags increase the reach of your posts to a far greater audience and every one of them matters when increasing your followers.

Interact with your audience

Don’t take your current followers for granted and interact with them as much as you can. If they are taking the time to watch your content and liking and commenting then reply to them, talk to them, and show your appreciation and it will result in them sharing your content even more with others and the cycle continues.

Collaboration helps a lot

Whether you are an influencer or a business, it is important to collaborate with other influencers. By doing so you reach out to a whole new established audience, one that might not know you. This way both you and other influencers help each other gain more followers.

How to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes, the wrong way.

Now that you know about the right ways to get followers, let us discuss the wrong ways. People may tell you that they can get you thousands of followers through hacking or some websites are advertising thousands of followers for free. Well, they are all scams and will only get you in trouble.

Instagram is a massive company that takes hacking very seriously, so it is next to impossible to get followers through hacking or for free. People and websites advertising this will more likely hack your account by asking for personal information rather than getting you more followers.

How about buying followers?

Another shortcut that people use is buying followers and while that can work temporarily, it won’t help you in the long term. Sure, you will get lots of followers really quickly but you should know that these services cost a lot and there are no guarantees provided as it is illegal.

For starters, you will get followers but there won’t be any activity or response to your post, to get that you will need to spend even more money, and even then after a while, Instagram will catch you when they notice such suspicious activity and you will get banned.


We hope by now you know the answer to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. If you keep following these tips and keep working hard, you will be successful and you will not only get 1k but even more followers in mere minutes, all you need to do is some patience hard work, and some luck.

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